This is Scovy. Scovy is a MuSCOVY ... Get it??? Her name is very original ... ALMOST as original as "Quackers", dontcha think?

Scovy is also a lucky duck -- she wasn't always lucky, though. First she was a poor little dumped ducky with frostbitten feet. She was scared, cold, hungry, alone and facing certain death. No exaggeration here -- her frostbitten feet will show ya.

WARNING: EWEY EWEEEYY PICS ... but click here if you want to see why muscovies and cold don't mix.

Who could have left this little sweetie there?

The thing about muscovies is, they're domestics.... Y ou know ... as in NOT wild but raised by us humans (in certain cases I use the term losely ''Human" ... hmmm ....

Ok, OK ... maybe ya need more info? DUCKY LESSONS 101: Muscovies are domestic ducks. Domestics ducks are dependent on humans for most of their care. They don't have those natural ducky survival instincts like the wild one you see flying south for the winter. In fact, most of them can't even fly at all.

Muscovies originate from warm climates. Some Muscovies can fly a bit, but only for short distances. They do not migrate. They are NOT equipped to live in our harsh New England winters. They cannot survive. The cold will KILL THEM.

So ... again I ask, WHO could have left this poor little sweetie on the local pond? ATTENTION YOU TWIT: you didn't "set her free" -- but you did almost kill her.

But Scovy IS a lucky duck! She's safe, warm, fed, loved and, minus a bunch of webby skin on her poor little tootsie footsies and a few toenails, Scovy is on her way to a clean bill of health (get it, BILL of health? I know ... I'm just quackin ya up here)..Scovy is on the mend. Once her feet have healed, she'll start making the transition outside to join her sisters and brothers. One big happy flock!

I just know Quackers and Scovy are gonna LOVE EACH OTHER ... that's what muscovies do ... love ... of course, I maybe be biased, but our 2 really are LOVEY DUCKS! (And, NO, Twit-Who-Dumped-Scovy, you can't have her back!

oh ... and about the pond where we abDUCKted Scovy ... well ... there's this Pekin, Rouen and Goosey there who were dumped, too, and they are COLD and HUNGRY, too!

More ducky lessons 101 ... plus and extra credit pop goosey quiz:

QUESTION: are those domestics supposed to be on that pond??

ANSWER: NO, NO, NO, NOOOO ... Bad "humans" ... baaaad!

Did I mention we are in New England and that we're frozen solid right now?

... Now if they'll just let me catch them .... STAY TUNED!

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